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                (                David Riley

From: Jorn Barger 

I haven't done much ascii-art for the last few years, building my
website instead. But I still like to do maps, and I've done a lot of
them for my James Joyce pages (GIFs only), showing where around Dublin
the events in his books (and life) take place. But I recently realized I
could bring a lot of this together into a compact ascii-art version that
teachers (eg) could email around... and just now I came up with a nifty
trick (ascii-art only) for the 'key' that explains things:
A less-spartan GIF version (with tramlines marked) is at: 
\ Royal     Gs                                               Lu ->->
  \canal           TK            J95
       ~~~ -- __                                         _____
                 ~~-- J34         He       J99 J00 J97  /888888~~--_
            J02       ~~~---___Mu              J01     /888888888888
                        J01    ~~~---___AH    WM       \888888888888
                                      J96\              \88888888888
                         L04    Sh J93    \              \8888888888
                            J03            |              \888888888
   L93                     \ Bv             \              \88888888
                   J09 BC   \ F95            |              \8888888
                   KI        \      nt       \               \SI 888
                              \Gh             |               ~~~|88
                    lib V09    \              |                  |88
              Ch   BK         FJ              |               ___|88
Liffey                          \ Eu mg       |              |888888
--___                           _\-----______________________|888888
     ~~---___       Or __---~~~   ~~~~~----______8888888888888888888
         Ush ~~~--_--~~~           Ac            ~~~~~~---____888888
               A&E                               |            ~~__88
                                  Fh            |           Enc   ~~
                              DB NL     L95     |
                           Iv                  |                 RG
                                   OG          |   LC
                     L88       Uc       TG   _/     J04   HF  PD
                  L93  NTS Hs              _/                     JC
                 J81                    _/~
 M88          L93                __/~
~~~----____      L66    ___---~~~
Grand      ~~~---___--~~EC  L97
canal                                                       Ab
            J82      AE
<-<-<-<- Cg
Key (north to south, in strips):
\ Royal     Gs                                               Lu ->->
  \canal           TK            J95
Gs: Glasnevin cemetery (Ulysses ch6)
TK: Tom Kernan's fictional house (plus Fogarty the grocer's) [Grace]
J95: 2 Millbourne ave, Drumcondra, Jul94-?96 (1904 valuation: £17)
Lu: Lucy the birdgirl (PoA4 1898)
                 ~~-- J34         He       J99 J00 J97  /888888~~--_
            J02       ~~~---___Mu              J01     /888888888888
J02: 7 St Peter's terrace, Cabra Sep02-?05 (1904 valuation: £20)
J34: Whitworth and Claude roads. Memorial bench for JSJ proposed by 
     James in 1934 letter but never carried thru [e644]
Mu: uncle John Murray's (cf 'Clay')
He: 'Heron's' attack in PoA2 c1895
J99: Convent avenue, Fairview (summer only)
J00: 13 Richmond avenue, Fairview (Oct99-May00)
J97: 29 Windsor avenue, Fairview (Oct96-Jun99) (1904 valuation: £17)
J01: 8 Royal terrace, Fairview (May00-Oct01)
                       J01    ~~~---___AH    WM       \888888888888
                                      J96\              \88888888888
J01: 32 Glengariff parade (Oct01-Sep02)
J96: 13 North Richmond street summer only? (approx 1904 valuation: £19)
AH: Alfred Hunter, Ballybough road. Maybe the site where Hunter took
    Joyce after fracas [pc231]
WM: William Murray and Aunt Jo, North Strand road, Fairview (approx,
                         L04    Sh J93    \              \8888888888
                            J03            |              \888888888
L04: 7 Eccles street
J03: (uncertain, late 1903) Waverly House, Hardwicke street (cf 'The
     Boarding House')
Sh: Sheehy's
J93: 14 Fitzgibbon street Nov92-Jul94 (approx 1904 valuation: £25)
   L93                     \ Bv             \              \88888888
                   J09 BC   \ F95            |              \8888888
                   KI        \      nt       \               \SI 888
L93: City Arms hotel
KI: King's Inns (cf "A Little Cloud")
J09: 44 Fontenoy (Aug, Nov-Dec 1909)
BC: Black Church (Ulysses ch15 passim)
Bv: Belvedere college
F95: Flynn's Drapery in "The Sisters"
nt: nighttown (PoA2 and Circe)
SI: Smoothing Iron bathingplace [Encounter]
              Ch   BK         FJ              |               ___|88
Liffey                          \ Eu mg       |              |888888
Ch: Church street chapel (PoA3 confession)
BK: Barney Kiernan's pub (Ulysses ch12)
lib: Capel street library
V09: Volta theatre, 45 Mary street
FJ: Freeman's Journal (Ulysses ch7)
Gh: Gresham hotel (cf 'The Dead')
Eu: cabman's shelter (Ulysses ch16)
mg: City morgue (after play in PoA2)
     ~~---___       Or __---~~~   ~~~~~----______8888888888888888888
         Ush ~~~--_--~~~           Ac            ~~~~~~---____888888
               A&E                               |            ~~__88
Ush: Misses Flynn's, Usher's Island (cf 'The Dead')
A&E: Adam & Eve's (FW003)
Or: Ormond hotel (Ulysses ch11)
Ac: Antient Concert Rooms (cf 'A Mother')
                                  Fh            |           Enc   ~~
                              DB NL     L95     |
DB: Davy Byrne's (Ulysses ch8)
NL: National Library (Ulysses ch9)
Fh: Finn's hotel
L95: Holles street and maternity hospital
Enc: 1894 Dubliners 'Encounter'
                           Iv                  |                 RG
                                   OG          |   LC
Iv: Wicklow street (cf 'Ivy Day')
OG: Gogarty in 1909, Ely place
LC: Little Chandler [Counterparts] and maybe uncle Wm Murray pre-1902
RG: Richie and Sara Goulding's, Strasburg terrace [Proteus]
                     L88       Uc       TG   _/     J04   HF  PD
                  L93  NTS Hs              _/                     JC
                 J81                    _/~
J81: 30 Emorville ave, where JAJ was conceived
L93: Lombard
L88: Pleasants
NTS: Irish Natl Theatre Society rehearsal space in Camden Hall
     [e160, pc224]
Hs: Erasmus Smith High School
Uc: University college
TG: Corley's half-sovereign passed here, Baggot street [TwoGallants]
J04: McKernans where JAJ stayed Apr-Aug 1904. Also Blazes
     Boylan's/ Beggars Bush [Circe]
HF: Dodder river where Brigid Gannon's corpse was found in 1900, PC
    Henry Flower accused of the murder
PD: Paddy Dignam's, Newbridge ave [Hades]
JC: (approx) James and Gretta Cousins's, Strand road, Sandymount
    (occasional short stays eg 15 June and September)
 M88          L93                __/~
~~~----____      L66    ___---~~~
Grand      ~~~---___--~~EC  L97
canal                                                       Ab
M88: Rehoboth
L93: Raymond
L66-85: 52 Clanbrassil street
EC: Emma Clery's in Stephen Hero
L97: Ontario
Ab: Araby bazaar 1894 (also Mirus 1904; also nearby Dublin by Lamplight
    laundry of "Clay") Royal Dublin Society
            J82      AE
<-<-<-<- Cg
HC: Harold's Cross (party in PoA2)
J84: 23 Castlewood avenue, Rathmines
J82: 41 Brighton square west, Rathgar
AE: George 'AE' Russell's 1902 home, Garville rd, Rathgar
Cg: Clongowes Wood college

  8888 .d88b. 888  888 .d8888b .d88b.  
  "888d88""88b888  888d88P"   d8P  Y8b 
   888888  888888  888888     88888888 
   888Y88..88PY88b 888Y88b.   Y8b.     
   888 "Y88P"  "Y88888 "Y8888P "Y8888  
   888             888                 
  d88P        Y8b d88P                 
888P"          "Y88P"                  
   _  ___  _   _  ___ ___ 
  | |/ _ \| | | |/ __/ _ \
  | | (_) | |_| | (_|  __/
  | |\___/ \__, |\___\___|
 _/ |       __/ |         
|__/       |___/          
   88  ,adPPYba,  8b       d8  ,adPPYba,  ,adPPYba,  
   88 a8"     "8a `8b     d8' a8"     "" a8P_____88  
   88 8b       d8  `8b   d8'  8b         8PP"""""""  
   88 "8a,   ,a8"   `8b,d8'   "8a,   ,aa "8b,   ,aa  
   88  `"YbbdP"'      Y88'     `"Ybbd8"'  `"Ybbd8"'  
  ,88                 d8'                            
888P"                d8'                             


ASCII Character Codes:

j = ASCII 106

o = ASCII 111

y = ASCII 121

c = ASCII 99

e = ASCII 101


J = ASCII 74

O = ASCII 79

Y = ASCII 89

C = ASCII 67

E = ASCII 69
